Pediatrician Meaning – Who is a Pediatrician

pediatrician meaning

Pediatricians play a crucial role in safeguarding the health and well-being of children. Their specialized expertise in diagnosing and treating infants, children, and adolescents makes them an essential pillar of healthcare for the younger population.

This article aims to shed light on the meaning and significance of pediatricians, their roles and responsibilities, educational requirements, and the impact they have on the lives of children and their families.

Understanding Pediatricians and Pediatricians Meaning

Pediatricians are medical doctors who specialize in providing healthcare to children from birth through adolescence. They are well-versed in the unique physical, emotional, and developmental needs of young patients, making them invaluable in promoting healthy growth and development.

These professionals are trained to address a broad range of health issues specific to children, including routine check-ups, vaccination, common illnesses like cough cold, fever, infection, and chronic conditions.

Pediatricians Meaning in Hindi

Pediatrician को  “बाल चिकित्सक” या  “बच्चे को डॉक्टर” बोला जाता है.  तो जो बच्चे छोटे है, जिनकी उम्र ० से 16 तक होती है, या थोड़े बड़े 18 तक होती है, उनको Pediatrician ही देखता है.

चूँकि  Pediatrician को बच्चो की बिमारियों  का पता होता है, वो  जानता है की कैसे ठीक किया जा सकता है, इसलिए एक General Physician, को दिखाने की बजाए अगर आप certified Pediatrician से consult करें तो वो जयादा बेहतर और फायदेमंद होगा.

Pediatricians Meaning in Marathi

बालरोगतज्ञांना “बाल डॉक्टर” किंवा “बाल डॉक्टर” म्हणतात. त्यामुळे जी मुले लहान आहेत, ज्यांचे वय 0 ते 16 किंवा 18 वर्षांपर्यंत थोडे मोठे आहे, त्यांना फक्त बालरोगतज्ञच पाहतात.

बालरोगतज्ञांना लहान मुलांचे आजार माहीत असल्याने ते कसे बरे करायचे हे त्याला माहीत असते, त्यामुळे जनरल फिजिशियनला दाखवण्याऐवजी एखाद्या प्रमाणित बालरोगतज्ञाचा सल्ला घेतल्यास ते अधिक चांगले व फायदेशीर ठरेल.

Pediatricians Meaning in Tamil

குழந்தை மருத்துவர் “குழந்தை மருத்துவர்” அல்லது “குழந்தை மருத்துவர்” என்று அழைக்கப்படுகிறார். எனவே 0 முதல் 16 வயது வரை உள்ள சிறிய குழந்தைகள் அல்லது 18 வயது வரை உள்ள குழந்தைகளை குழந்தை மருத்துவர் மட்டுமே பார்க்கிறார்.

குழந்தை நல மருத்துவருக்கு குழந்தைகளின் நோய்கள் தெரியும் என்பதால், அதை எப்படி குணப்படுத்துவது என்பது அவருக்குத் தெரியும் என்பதால், பொது மருத்துவரிடம் காட்டாமல், சான்றளிக்கப்பட்ட குழந்தை நல மருத்துவரை அணுகினால், நல்ல பலன் கிடைக்கும்.

Pediatricians Meaning in Telgu

శిశువైద్యుడిని “బాల వైద్యుడు” లేదా “బాల వైద్యుడు” అంటారు. కాబట్టి చిన్న పిల్లలు, వారి వయస్సు 0 నుండి 16 వరకు లేదా కొంచెం పెద్దవారు 18 సంవత్సరాల వరకు, శిశువైద్యుడు మాత్రమే వారిని చూస్తారు.

పీడియాట్రీషియన్‌కి పిల్లలకు వచ్చే జబ్బులు తెలుసు కాబట్టి వాటిని ఎలా నయం చేయాలో ఆయనకు తెలుసు కాబట్టి జనరల్ ఫిజీషియన్‌ని చూపించే బదులు సర్టిఫైడ్ పీడియాట్రీషియన్‌ని సంప్రదిస్తే మరింత మేలు జరుగుతుంది.

Pediatricians Meaning in English

Pediatrician is a “child doctor” or “doctor who treats children”. So, children having age from 0 to 16, or a little older till 18, are treated by an experienced and qualified Pediatrician in hospital and clinic.

Since a Pediatrician knows  very well about the current disease of children, he knows how to cure them, so instead of consulting with a General Physician, if you consult a certified Pediatrician, it will be better and more beneficial.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • The primary responsibilities of a pediatrician encompass comprehensive care for children.
  • They conduct routine wellness examinations to monitor growth, development, and detect any potential issues early on.
  • Pediatricians also provide immunizations, ensuring children are protected against preventable diseases.
  • They diagnose and treat common childhood illnesses such as colds, ear infections, and strep throat, prescribing appropriate medications when necessary.
  • They also provide the tips to parent how to care baby in a particular situation.

Moreover, pediatricians act as advocates for children, guiding parents and caregivers in making informed decisions about their child’s health.

They offer guidance on nutrition, safety, and preventive measures to reduce the risk of accidents or injuries. Pediatricians also play a vital role in identifying developmental delays or behavioral concerns, referring patients to specialists for further evaluation and intervention.

Education and Training

Becoming a pediatrician requires a significant commitment to education and training. After completing a bachelor’s degree, aspiring pediatricians must attend medical school, which typically lasts four years.

Following medical school, they undertake a residency program in pediatrics, which spans three years. During this time, they receive comprehensive training in various pediatric subspecialties, including cardiology, pulmonology, neurology, and more.

Pediatricians also stay updated on the latest medical advancements by pursuing continuing education and participating in conferences and seminars. This dedication ensures they remain equipped to deliver high-quality care and adapt to evolving medical practices.

How to become best pediatricians in Jaipur

To get a certification in pediatricians in Jaipur you have to undergo rigorous education and training, equipping them with the necessary skills to provide comprehensive care to young patients.

Aspiring pediatricians typically start their journey by pursuing a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree at one of the recognized medical colleges in Jaipur. This five-and-a-half-year program includes theoretical knowledge, clinical rotations, and practical training, forming the foundation for a career in pediatric medicine.

After completing their MBBS degree, individuals with a passion for pediatric medicine pursue a postgraduate degree in Pediatrics. Jaipur is home to renowned medical institutions that offer Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Diplomate of National Board (DNB) programs in Pediatrics.

These programs typically span three years and provide in-depth training in various aspects of pediatric healthcare, including neonatology, pediatric cardiology, pediatric endocrinology, and more. The rigorous curriculum combines classroom instruction, clinical rotations, and research opportunities, preparing pediatricians to address the unique healthcare needs of children.

The Impact on Children and Families

Pediatricians hold a significant influence on the lives of children and their families. Their expertise extends beyond medical knowledge; they provide reassurance, empathy, and emotional support to both the young patients and their caregivers.

By establishing a trusted doctor-patient relationship, pediatricians help alleviate concerns and create a safe space for open communication.

Pediatricians serve as primary care providers, offering continuity of care from infancy to adolescence. Regular visits to a pediatrician foster a sense of familiarity, allowing the doctor to monitor the child’s health holistically, identify potential issues, and intervene early. This proactive approach contributes to better long-term health outcomes and early intervention for developmental delays or behavioral concerns.


Pediatricians are compassionate healthcare professionals who play a pivotal role in ensuring the well-being of children. They possess specialized knowledge and skills to address the unique needs of young patients, offering preventive care, diagnosis, and treatment for various childhood conditions.

By providing comprehensive care, pediatricians positively impact the lives of children and their families, promoting healthy growth, development, and overall well-being. Their dedication and commitment to children’s health make them indispensable members of the healthcare community.


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